الاثنين، 2 نوفمبر 2009

Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) for Smart Industries

It is forecast that the number of wireless sensor network nodes will reach approximately 120 million units in 2010, with the overall shipment value arriving at about US$15.0 billion. Major application markets are expected to comprise commercial, household, industrial applications, and automatic measurement. Commercial applications of wireless sensor network mainly lie in monitoring, energy saving, and security. Home appliance automation is the focus of household applications, in coordination with environment monitoring, energy saving, and security applications. Industrial applications include machine monitoring, energy saving, and process optimization. Automatic measurement refers to the automatic reading of electricity, water, and gas meters etc. This report analyzes the current applications and development of wireless sensor network technologies, covering smart living, environmental monitoring, automatic measurement, healthcare, and positioning.

Market Opportunity:
• The global total industrial WSN market will be worth $4.6 billion in 2011
• Process control/automation will be worth 22% of the total WSN market at this time
• Two thirds of the revenues will be for new markets, or emerging application areas that are limited today due to cost of wiring.
Markets & drivers: Drivers and inhibitors on the WSN market opportunity in each of the following solutions: process/automation, machine health, tank monitoring, emissions, environmental, and structural
Market forces analysis of each of the following target markets: Chemicals/petroleum products, electronics/electrical equipment, food & beverage, machinery, transportation & plastics, metals, minerals, oil, gas & mining, paper products, pharmaceuticals/labs/medical equipment, power generation & transmission, water & wastewater. In-depth data from an survey with 108 leading industry experts on targeted applications and markets, current development status, products and services, WSN inhibitors, 5-year market sizing, ASPs, etc. Technology dynamics including survey results from the industry experts on current adopted radios, frequencies, current standards situation, and standards supported

Market sizing (2007-2011):
• Equipment forecasts by unit (nodes and gateways) and by revenue in each target market for each of the solutions above
• WSN services forecasts in each solution/target market
Value system:
• In-depth analysis and research data on 62 industrial WSN companies including component suppliers, module makers, systems manufacturers, and backend systems/services providers
• Product segmentation
• Disruption & sustainability charts
• Technology dynamics: protocols and frequencies supported, development capabilities, integration strategies, applications, and services
• Profiles: offerings, partners, financials
• Intellectual property: Key WSN patents/patent holders for each product segment
End user survey
• Interviewee position and industry
• Current networking automation technologies used
• Current wireless users and applications
• Vendor selection criteria
• Technology details (radios, frequency used, etc.)
• Planned wireless applications
• Inhibitors
• WSN system preferences
• Rankings on most likely wireless applications
Market Opportunity:

• The global total industrial WSN market will be worth $4.6 billion in 2011
• Process control/automation will be worth 22% of the total WSN market at this time
• Two thirds of the revenues will be for new markets, or emerging application areas that are limited today due to cost of wiring.
Markets & drivers: Drivers and inhibitors on the WSN market opportunity in each of the following solutions: process/automation, machine health, tank monitoring, emissions, environmental, and structural
Market forces analysis of each of the following target markets: Chemicals/petroleum products, electronics/electrical equipment, food & beverage, machinery, transportation & plastics, metals, minerals, oil, gas & mining, paper products, pharmaceuticals/labs/medical equipment, power generation & transmission, water & wastewater. In-depth data from an survey with 108 leading industry experts on targeted applications and markets, current development status, products and services, WSN inhibitors, 5-year market sizing, ASPs, etc. Technology dynamics including survey results from the industry experts on current adopted radios, frequencies, current standards situation, and standards supported

Market sizing (2007-2011):
• Equipment forecasts by unit (nodes and gateways) and by revenue in each target market for each of the solutions above
• WSN services forecasts in each solution/target market
Value system:
• In-depth analysis and research data on 62 industrial WSN companies including component suppliers, module makers, systems manufacturers, and backend systems/services providers
• Product segmentation
• Disruption & sustainability charts
• Technology dynamics: protocols and frequencies supported, development capabilities, integration strategies, applications, and services
• Profiles: offerings, partners, financials
• Intellectual property: Key WSN patents/patent holders for each product segment
End user survey
• Interviewee position and industry
• Current networking automation technologies used
• Current wireless users and applications
• Vendor selection criteria
• Technology details (radios, frequency used, etc.)
• Planned wireless applications
• Inhibitors
• WSN system preferences
• Rankings on most likely wireless applications

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